Locations: Naperville

Brian loves Lori very much. He also loves vintage video gaming, one of his favorites being Tecmo’s Ninja Gaiden. Brian has been building up the courage to propose to Lori and practices by putting the ring on his Power Glove.

On many nights Brian spends time with Lori in the game room. He even turns down the volume on the 8 bit soundtracks so that she can read her beloved stories.

On other nights Brian’s close friend Foad encroaches on their special time together and an aggressive competitive side of Brian comes out.

Brian has worked up the courage to propose. He walks with her down a path behind his home.

They spend a few moments embracing on the trail. Their hearts are full of love and Brian’s is also full of anticipation. Brian has never felt so alive.

They arrive at a favorite park – the place where Brian will propose to Lori. He produces the ring from his rump pocket.

“Oh yes Brian, I will marry you!”

“What’s this?! How have I been found?!” Brian asks himself. It is the evil brown belt ninja known as Foad. Their feud too ancient to recall how it started.

“I will defend you Lori!” Brian declares. “Keep the ring. If anything happens to me I want you to wear it to remember me!”

Brian gathers himself and returns a deadly and heart-stopping blow.

The brown belt ninja is no match for a heart full of love and vigor.

It’s the power of love.