Locations: Chicago, Naperville, Oak Brook
If you’re hosting the headshot event, please have a space cleared for your photographer to set up the background and lights. Ideal spaces are about 10×15’ however we can survive with 8×12. Higher ceilings are generally preferred but if we’re sitting down then we can be in standard 8’ rooms.
We arrive 1 hour prior to the session start time in order to set up and test.
For multiple headshot sessions in one setting, where you want the files named by subject, please provide us with a list names by time slot or have each individual hold up their name on paper or a whiteboard.

(L) Each subject can hold their name on a loose sheet of paper to start. (R) Typical Setup.
Headshots can be displayed vertically, square, or horizontally. If you don’t know how yours will be used then horizontal is the safest bet as you can crop into it any way you need.

Photo: @wescraftograph
Tell me anything you want me to know before we get started so we’re both in sync. Tell me what you’d like to get out of the session in terms of the look and feel and please share any phobias or concerns as well.
Tell me how you intend to use them.
Scheduling Stressors
Plan your session date and time slot so that you don’t have disrupting calls or meetings distracting you during the session. Ideally you don’t have anything scheduled too closely to either side of your session time.
Rested Face
Hydrate and get your 8 hours in the night before. You’ll want those eyes bright. Please don’t drink alcohol the evening prior or the morning of your session as it can really mess with complexions.
The following sections are only suggestions and should be ignored if they contradict your brand identity or wardrobe wishes.
In order to keep the attention on your face, solid or finely patterned attire works best.
A color that accents your eyes or skin tone is always a great bet.
Generally avoid bold patterns like plaid, color blocks, polkadots, or large floral prints tend to draw the eye away from your face.
Avoid fully saturated bold colors such as neons unless your company branding is colorful.
If you’re having more than one headshot look created then have all your clothing pressed and hung ready to go. We’ll start in your favorite outfit and go from there.
JEWELRY: If possible don’t wear big chunky, colorful, or highly reflective jewelry.
GLASSES: If you wear glasses and have a glare resistant pair then wear those. If you can wear contacts consider that. Otherwise we can still position lighting and your head to avoid glare in most cases.
Again, if we’re doing something conceptual or with your brand identity then some or all of these “rules” can be ignored.
For men, a clean cut and trimmed or shaved facial hair is recommended unless we’re going for a wilderness adventure vibe.
For men and women with long hair we’ve successfully captured headshots with hair back in a ponytail, up in a bun, or down on the shoulders. Take some time to consider what you like best.
I’ve noted that most of my long haired subjects are wearing hair down in headshots with 1/4 wearing it back in a tight pony tail. We can always try both and you can pick your favorite.
A foundation and subtle touches are great for evening out the tones of skin. While we do apply a basic skin retouch your favorite headshots, the more even your skin is to begin with, the more natural the retouching looks. Please avoid heavy and dark eyeshadow, extra length lash extensions*, and intensely dark lip colors.
*false lashes tend to be so dense and long that they block light from hitting the eyes and cause a raccoon eye look.
Remember that our clothing, hair, and makeup suggestions are only suggestions. If your brand identity requires lash extensions and neon colors then lean into that and I’ll adjust my disco lighting.
If you have questions get in touch using the phone number on our contact page or email me if we’ve already been in conversation.